Take A Closer Look

One of the most enjoyable ways to experience a Swedish rug is to take some time and really study a rug. That's what I like to do. I like to focus on small areas of the rug, where patterns and colors are defined, special weaving techniques delight the eye and then back and forth the eye travels across a rug.

Who wove the rug you're taking a close look at? What is/was her life like? How did the pattern originate in the weaver's mind? Was the weaving process therapeutic and joyful? I see that in so many rugs.





Who wove the rug you're taking a close look at? What is/was her life like? How did the pattern originate in the weaver's mind? Was the weaving process therapeutic and joyful? I see that in so many rugs.

So much to wonder about.

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