Flasta Swedish Rug

Flasta Swedish Rug


Dimensions: 2’2” x 3’5”

A fantastic Swedish rug, handwoven on a wooden loom by a Swedish artisan. This vintage piece is at the highest levels of quality and design for this type of rug.

This is an original design by this talented weaver, one of a kind. The pattern is carefully woven to be perfectly symmetrical and evokes a formal yet charming design. The colors of Swedish reds and traditional Swedish blues set against black accents and soft neutrals create a sophisticated design.

This rug can be used as a small rug anywhere in the home, but it can also be used as a wall hanging, as a textile on a table top, draped across the back of a chair or used in other ways to display important pieces.

It is reversible and may be washed gently in cold water to freshen it up from time to time.

Ref 5847

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